Bacon Frittata Cups, Have a nice cute brunch 小巧可愛的迷你義式培根烘蛋

Isn’t it sweet to wake up early in a weekend morning to take your time and enjoy cooking for your families? Let this indulgence smell of bacon frittata wake your significant other up to join a perfect holiday brunch with you is the best way to spend a relaxing weekend morning.  Continue reading Bacon Frittata Cups, Have a nice cute brunch 小巧可愛的迷你義式培根烘蛋

Three Ingredients Banana Pancake (Do Not Recommend…)

This recipe has been popular for a while and I haven’t really got the gut to try it out since I’m not really a big banana person.

The truth is…. for people who are not absolutely LOVE bananas, don’t even bother to try. 🙂 It does taste ABSOLUTELY like banana. In regards to the texture, I would say it’s more like a “tamagoyaki (Japanese sweet omelette)” than a pancake.


Even Though, in other recipes or videos recommend to add a little baking powder to make the texture more like pancakes, it was still not like pancake at all to me.  Continue reading Three Ingredients Banana Pancake (Do Not Recommend…)

Super Easy Baked Italian Meatballs 偷吃步義式烤肉丸子

This is a super easy/ cheating recipe. 😛 Instead of the ground beef or pork and all kinds of seasonings, I just simply use the stuffing of Italian sausages which already have plenty of flavors or even a little salty. Adding the vegetables, an egg, and all other ingredients can not only add more layers of flavors into the meatballs, but also can mild the saltiness.  Continue reading Super Easy Baked Italian Meatballs 偷吃步義式烤肉丸子

Wu-Shi Spareribs Recipe 無錫排骨

The slowly cooked spare ribs are really tender that you can easily pull the meat from the bone with chopsticks. The sweet and salty sauce taste great with rice. It’s so easy to make and taste savory.

Continue reading Wu-Shi Spareribs Recipe 無錫排骨

Ma-Po Tofu (麻婆豆腐) Sichuan Peppercorn spicy sauce tofu, another rice killer

I love the scent of Sichuan peppercorn in stir fries. However, the restaurants normally use the whole peppercorns which irritate and numb your tongue when you bit one accidently. Some restaurants would strain the Sichuan peppercorns and just leave the oil after frying them, but with this way you lose lots of flavor.

Continue reading Ma-Po Tofu (麻婆豆腐) Sichuan Peppercorn spicy sauce tofu, another rice killer

Fresh Basil Salsa and Shrimp Cocktail 雞尾酒鮮蝦佐羅勒莎莎醬

Gotta try something Mexican this week!!!!

Salsa is one of my favorite kinds of Mexican side dish. The refreshing, spicy sauce with chips is the best appetizer.

Continue reading Fresh Basil Salsa and Shrimp Cocktail 雞尾酒鮮蝦佐羅勒莎莎醬

Copycat Hot N Juicy Boil~ Let’s get your hands dirty!!!

Absolutely LOVE this recipe!!!! Recommendation: 100% Must Try

After our last visit to Hot N Juicy, me and J kept thinking about the savory, hot, buttery taste of those shrimps. Occasionally we found this video tutoring how to make copycat version of Hot N Juicy cajun boil and garlic butter sauce. It seems not difficult at all!!! And the best part is when making your own Hot N Juicy boil at home, you get to choose what to put include in your meal, the quality of seafood, and you can tweak the taste as much as you want~~~ (Best of all, it’s a lot cheaper LOL)
Continue reading Copycat Hot N Juicy Boil~ Let’s get your hands dirty!!!

Taiwanese Breakfast Burrito 古早味培根起士蛋餅

This is a really common Taiwanese breakfast. You can easily find it in most of breakfast shops called “Dan`(egg)-Bin(pancake).” It’s basically a wrapped omelette with all kinds of ingredients as your choice. The basic traditional Dan-Bin is just pan fried whisked eggs wrapped in pancakes with oyster sauce or hot sauce. However, the variety-loving Taiwanese makes the manu with so much choices and combinations with all kinds of add-ons that you can think of: tuna, cheese, ham, bacon, grilled chicken, sausages, or vegetables… One of my favorite flavor is the bacon and cheese wrap. Yum Yum!! Continue reading Taiwanese Breakfast Burrito 古早味培根起士蛋餅

Lemon glazed madeleines 檸檬糖霜瑪德蓮

The French pastry Madeleines are famous for its signature shell shaped small cake/cookies and the lemon flavor. They are so cute looking which would be the perfect match for afternoon tea time with a cup of tea or coffee.

Continue reading Lemon glazed madeleines 檸檬糖霜瑪德蓮

Thai Spicy and Sour Fish Salad 泰式酸辣魚片沙拉

As the weather become warmer, this citrusy, refreshing appetizer would be the best as a starter for dinner. It’s really easy to prepare and so healthy. Completely zero fat and low carbs. The sweet, sour, and spicy sauce could match all kinds of meat and salad. Especially seafoods.

Continue reading Thai Spicy and Sour Fish Salad 泰式酸辣魚片沙拉

Korean Spicy Stir-Fried Chicken 韓式辣炒雞

This is a super easy “rice killer” dish. 🙂 Little bit of sweet, little bit of spicy, little bit of savory. The best part is that it’s another one-pan dish. All you need to do is to put all ingredients into one pan and done!! My favorite ways to cook.

Continue reading Korean Spicy Stir-Fried Chicken 韓式辣炒雞

Home made Shabu Shabu and Sichuan pepper hot pot 溫暖麻辣鴛鴦鍋

One of the best thing in winter is to stay at home having hot pot Shabu Shabu with families and friends. I got this new two-sided hot pot and a portable gas stove from the Asian super market. Can’t wait to try it out at home. 🙂

In Taiwan, having a hot pot is so common and is really popular during winter time. The base soup can have many varieties. One of the most popular is the Sichuan pepper hot pot and the basic plain stock. Not only the base, you can also boil all kinds of different ingredients into the pot from meat, seafood, vegetables, mushrooms, tofu, or all kinds of fish or meat balls.

Continue reading Home made Shabu Shabu and Sichuan pepper hot pot 溫暖麻辣鴛鴦鍋

Tortilla de patatas (Spanish Omelette) 西班牙馬鈴薯烘蛋

This is a very easy to prep and make Sunday Brunch dishes. I pan fried some crispy bacon first and just use the bacon fat to fry my potatoes. This adds a little more smoky flavor to the dish. You can also substitute the vegetables into any other ingredients as your preference. I just love mushrooms and spinach.

Continue reading Tortilla de patatas (Spanish Omelette) 西班牙馬鈴薯烘蛋

The healthy and yummy Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich 大滿足費城牛肉起士三明治

This could be the best sunday brunch sandwiches or a great but easy meal for working day dinner.

I really like the Torta bread I bought from Costco. It has a really nice and crispy crust and chewy body texture. The size of each bread is perfect. Not too big nor too small. Just toast the bread with shredded cheese on top till it melts. So yum!!! Continue reading The healthy and yummy Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich 大滿足費城牛肉起士三明治

Japanese Mackerel Meal Set and Basic Miso Soup 薄鹽鯖魚定食與基礎日式味噌湯


As the weather become warmer, J and I started to plan getting rid of the couple pounds we still carry since our holiday and winter fest. However, I would never sacrifice the taste and enjoyable meal experience to fight with my weight. Here is one completely healthy Japanese pan fried Mackerel meal set with Japanese style salad, sesame sauce okra and eggplants. miso soup, and rice. Not only the whole meal contains minimum amount of oil, but it is very tasty and filling. Not to mention good looking when you place them all on table.

Continue reading Japanese Mackerel Meal Set and Basic Miso Soup 薄鹽鯖魚定食與基礎日式味噌湯